Pilates Mat – All Levels

Instructor: Bridgette Mitchell

The foundations of Pilates are beneficial to all fitness levels. Pilates increases flexibility & strength of core muscles. It decreases pain in the neck, shoulders, back & hips. It improves posture, confidence & energy levels.

Class Level: I, II, III*
Wednesdays: 5:15-6:15 PM; Zoom available
(Check current class schedule for exceptions)

*Level I - Fundamental/beginner; Level II - Moderate; Level III - Challenging/advanced

To Preregister: Call or email Bridgette at 563-419-0269; pilatesfusion.bridgette@gmail.com

Note: Bridgette also offers individual appointment options.

Payment:   Cash, Check or Venmo* @pilatesplus (* download in the App Store and follow the simple, quick steps for a free way to pay electronically!)

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